Dec 24, 2008

One Of The Best Interview's Ever: Alex Jones interviews Gary Busey (from early 2001).

Gary explains his philosophical views on life. He talks about 'The Golden Rule'.

Dec 15, 2008

Project Camelot Interviews Marcia Schafer: Groundcrew 101

Project Camelot interviews Marcia Schafer: GroundCrew 101

Phoenix, Arizona, September 2008

We first interviewed Marcia Schafer in May 2007 (see below). When we met her husband Bob Dean for the second time in September 2008, we naturally sought an update from Marcia on where she saw everything going in the world... and what she could report from her professional consulting work with the large number of newly awakening executive clients she talks with every day.

Marcia told us about the growing awareness of what she calls the swing vote: those who are becoming aware of the new paradigm and the ET connection, and what this all means when applied to the real world.

We've called this interview Ground Crew 101 because it seemed to us that Marcia was strongly connecting with those who were just coming on board, discovering their missions, and integrating their new awareness into their everyday lives. Her no-nonsense, practical approach is refreshing. She is unabashedly positive in her outlook - in spite of the myriad of challenges we face together as a civilization in the next few years.

Her frank appraisal of the inner changes in perspective which are necessary to face the future is inspiring, and is a good guidestone for those just breaking out of the Matrix and taking on a mission: new recruits in the quest to save our planet and our humanity. We encourage those just waking up to the changing times around them - bravely taking those first steps into the great unknown replete with other dimensions, visiting ETs and conspiracy theories fast becoming facts - to watch... and welcome aboard.

Nov 28, 2008

Ring of Power 2: Monkey Blood

This is the sequel to the popular film ring of power: empire of the city, this is part one in a series that is to be the second installment of the documentary. In this educational documentary several questions are asked and answered; Who are we? Where did we come from? and where are we going?

Topics covered are among others evolution, intelligent design, truth about human origin, ancient astronauts, secret history of humanity, alien dna experimentation, junk dna, pineal gland, venus and great apes.


City of London + City of Vatican + City of columbia are the 3 independant states within states wich composes the empire of the city. The first is financial control over earth economy, the second is religion control over the earth and the third one is military control over the earth. Together they make the very unholy trinity which forms the egyptian pyramid that we can see on the back of the privately owned federal reserve note that is used as american dollar to maintain the colony in debt and under the Queen. Many people realize that this mystifying situation, in which an alleged democratic and self-governing nation is actually controlled against the will of the people, is a clear indication that there must be a very powerful and well-financed occult organization which plans and directs world affairs, and for lack of a more specific identification thie suspected secret organization is popularly referred to as the International Financiers, Banksters cartel or "The Crown corporation"

Part 1

Part 2

Nov 10, 2008

30,000 Scientists Want to Sue Al Gore Over Inconvenient Truth Global Warming Lies

How did it become such this huge accepted scam? …it started off with some environmentalists and some one world politicians at the U.N. who had World Earth Day in 1970. And out of that they finally managed to create this (IPCC) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change at the U.N. - they claimed of course that, that had something to do with science. All it was, was an environmental advocacy group. Then Al Gore learned a little bit about CO2 in college. one course - learned a little, and all the sudden he became an expert. So he becomes vice president; the U.N. starts voicing this thing on us; and the media, which loves a crisis, loves to tell that the world is coming to an end… the media jumped aboard and once the media was aboard… So you’ve got the U.N., you’ve got Al Gore, you’ve got the media, what are the politicians going to do? They’re going to follow. -John Coleman founder of the Weather Channel

Nov 9, 2008

The Missing Secrets Of Nikola Tesla

The life story and work of Nikola Tesla. He invented AC electricity, Neon Lights, Radio transmission, The Electric motor, Wireless electricity transfer, Remote control, Hydraulics, Lasers, Space weapons, Robotics, and many, many more things.

As Tesla claimed to have invented a way to harness free energy from the voltage difference in the ionosphere that causes lighning, he was seen as a threat to the world energy economy and most of his inventions were classified for national securtiy by the US govenment.

A lot of his discoveries in physics have not been released to the public, depsite being invented nearly 100 years ago. Other technologies not yet released to the public include HAARP Elecromagnetic technology and high energy directed particle beams used in space weapons.

Oct 31, 2008

Dolores Cannon, Moving into a New Earth

Dolores Cannon is experiencing an evolution in her work as a hypnotherapist. Her clients (who are coming from all over the world) are no longer experiencing regressions into past lives. They are returning to the Source (God) to explain why they are living here in the world now. They are also supplying more detailed information about the shift in vibrations and frequencies as we move into the New Earth. This is where the focus should be at the present time. Many are experiencing their first life on Earth, and thus have no karma. They are here specifically to help with the shift into this new dimension. Who will make the transition into the new world, and who will be "left behind"? What are the effects being experienced by the human body as it makes the adjustment? Will we take our physical bodies with us? Why the influx of ET visitations have stopped with the closing of the portal, and the opening of the new one.

Dolores considers herself a regressionist and psychic researcher who specializes in the recovery and cataloging of "lost" knowledge. She has become, perhaps, the world's most unlikely expert on the prophecies of Nostradamus. A retired Navy wife from Arkansas, she was nearly 50 years old when she began experimenting with hypnosis and past-life regression. The results were, to say the least, quite spectacular. Working through several different vehicles (subjects), Dolores was able to establish communication with the living Michel De Notredame, better known as the prophet, Nostradamus. His revelations and their impact on our time are both fascinating and, at times, frightening.

Oct 9, 2008

"The End of America: Letter of Warning To A Young Patriot"

Talk by Naomi Wolf author of "The End of America: Letter of Warning To A Young Patriot" given October 11, 2007 at Kane Hall on the University of Washington campus.

Interview with Naomi Wolf

Interview with Naomi Wolf author of "Give Me Liberty: A Handbook for American Revolutionaries" given October 4, 2008 on Mind Over Matters, KEXP 90.3 FM Seattle.

Oct 4, 2008

Zeitgeist: Addendum

Zeitgeist: Addendum, by Peter Joseph 2008

Sep 30, 2008

Miriam Blue Star: Project Camelot interviews Miriam Delicado

Miriam Delicado was contacted at an early age by benevolent, tall blond extraterrestrials, apparently singled out specifically for a very special role. She was advised by them to keep a low profile for many years, and finally last year, 2007, she was told by them that it was time for her to write her book: Alien Blue Star. With that, Miriam became a minor sensation as thousands of people sensed that her book seemed to have been written for each of them personally. And now Miriam is a woman on a mission: driven, articulate, passionate, and powerful, she tells a riveting story of her very real and physical contact with a highly advanced, Guardian race, and the information she was asked to pass on. Miriam is aware that there are others of her kind. The message is aimed at all people and holds special significance for what George Green labeled the 'Ground Crew': that we are nearly in what the Hopi - with whom Miriam has established a special affinity and allegiance - called the End Times; that our planet and our civilization are in great danger; and that (so far, at the time of writing) timelines do not appear to have changed... although it is always within our gift to create whatever future we collectively wish. We feel similarly driven, and it's our great privilege to assist her in her purpose by presenting this video.

Sep 20, 2008

President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech MUST SEE!

Listen to this incredible audio recording of a speech made by JFK before the American Newspaper Publishers Association where he warns the press about the secret societies that are the real power in global affairs.

Sep 19, 2008



Ron Paul: The Current Financial Crisis And World Economy

Ron Paul explains how misguided policies and actions by the Federal Reserve and the government led to the current financial crisis…

Sep 17, 2008

Awake The Spirit - The spiritual journey from organized religion - God is love This is a spiritual journey to find your own path. This will shock organized religions and will ultimately test their faith in their God. You must be open minded in viewing this controversial film.

Sep 16, 2008

Barbara Marciniak - Interview about the Pleiadians

Barbara Marciniak is an internationally acclaimed trance channel, inspirational speaker, and best-selling author of Bringers of the Dawn, Earth, Family of Light, and Path of Empowerment, which collectively have been translated into more than twenty languages and have sold over five hundred thousand U.S. copies. She has a BA in social science, and is the publisher and editor of the quarterly newsletter The Pleiadian Times. Her extensive worldwide travels, astrological studies, and a lifetime of alternative free thinking augment her personal understanding of the material she channels.

Sep 9, 2008

Ker-On of Venus Update Sept 8/08 through Mike Quinsey

Ker-On of Venus Update Channeled through Mike Quinsey.

Dannion Brinkley - The Changing Face of Time - 2012 is Coming

The year 2012 is fast approaching. In fact, time itself is accelerating. After three near death experiences, and three visits to the Other Side, Dannion Brinkley understands this phenomenon. Through being dead, he gained tremendous wisdom for living a life of value. Now, with quantum physics, new frontier science and an understanding of reality as energy, our knowledge of the world of time and space have been greatly altered. The next six years are destined to be chocked full of amazing shifts and changes. Join Dannion for a workshop designed to educate, enlighten, and entertain. Drawing on ancient prophesies, from the Mayan Calendar to the Old and New Testament, he will explore the true meaning of The End Times. Will you fear them, or contribute to the ascension of consciousness? The choice is yours, and Dannion Brinkley can help you make the right decisions. Dannion Brinkley is a New York Times best selling author and internationally acclaimed lecturer and intuitive. Struck by lightning and clinically dead for 28 minutes, Dannion has lived on both sides of the veil since 1975. His incredible gifts and understanding of the spiritual realms have kept him in public demand for almost thirty years. For more information or to order DVDs visit

Fabled Enemies

Fabled Enemies is unlike any 9/11documentary ever put together. Rather than focusing on the physical anomalies at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, this film follows the intelligence ties of Osama Bin Laden, the alleged hijackers, and those who were actually detained on 9/11.

The movie delves deeply into the roles of seperate Nations that were involved in supporting the 9/11 attacks. From Israel to Saudi Arabia to Pakistan, and even the United States itself, no one is spared in this scathing expose that pulls no punches. Sit back and get ready to learn how members of the FBI had their investigations into Bin Laden obstructed and shut down, how the hijackers were trained at US bases, that military drills crippled our defense and facilitated the attacks, how the Shadow Government was actually activated that day, and much much more.

Join Alex Jones productions and Jason Bermas one of the creators of Loose Change, in his Directorial debut on September 1st , as he loads new ammo for the Infowar.

Sep 8, 2008

Barbara Marciniak Channels the Pleiadians: 9/11 was an inside job

Barbara Marciniak has been channelling the Pleiadians for over 20 years. The Pleiadians are well aware that 9/11 was all about power, control and greed. Hear Barbara's Pleiadian account on this video. from

14th October 2008 Lightship Manifestation

A message from the Federation of Light has been channeled regarding a huge Lightship that shall be visible in our skies on October 14th 2008.

At the request of several subscribers and friends on you tube, Magenta Pixie brings forward information from the Collective, Consciousness of Nine on this subject.

The following dialogue from the video is very important and anyone wishing to manifest a sighting of this Lightship in their reality must understand & act on the following :-

"Confusions, discussions, discrediting and dismissing of this 14th October event will create more of the same. The message itself is here for a reason and it is not just here to tell us of this event. The message itself is delivered to us to raise our consciousness and how we react to that is vital."

Source: Magenta Pixie

Sep 6, 2008

2012 The Online Movie

Please help to spread global consciousness by adding 2012 The Online Movie Part 1 of 13 to your favorites and sharing with all of your YouTube friends and subscribers. Feel free to email the link to anyone on your email list or to post the video(s) on any forum MySpace, Facebook, etc... Let's change the world and get the word out to as many people as possible!!!

2012 The Online Movie is one of the most comprehensive 2012 videos on the net, encompassing the Mayan calendar, crop circles, DNA upgrade, the photon belt, galactic alignment, astronomy, crop circles, prophecy and much more.

Featuring Alex Ansary, Gregg Braden, Dannion Brinkley, Kerry Cassidy, Alex Collier, David Flynn, Richard Hoagland, John Major Jenkins, Barbara Marciniak, Terrence McKenna, Daniel Pinchbeck, Bill Ryan, Geoff Stray, Jay Weidner and David Wilcock.

...Let's change the world and get the word out to as many people as possible!!!

(part 1)

2012 The Online Movie :: Part 1/13

Sep 5, 2008

Sheldon Nidle Sirian Channeling Sept 3 08

Sheldon Nidle Sirian Channeling Update. A channeling update from the Sirian's. Source:

Sep 4, 2008

Jesse Ventura at the Rally for the Republic

Jesse Ventura at Ron Paul's Rally for the Republic

Sep 2, 2008

Theft By Deception - Deciphering The Federal Income Tax

The misrepresentation and misapplication of the United States federal income tax constitutes the largest acquisition of wealth by way of deception in history. A handful of government lawyers fabricated an intricate maze of legalese which created a perfectly Constitutional tax (a tax on income derived from certain types of international and foreign commerce), but which at the same time could easily be misread to give the impression that the income of all Americans is subject to the tax. For decades, the American people have been "conditioned" to believe that the income tax applies to all income and trained to pay "their" taxes. All the while, however, hidden in a previously nearly universally misunderstood (therefore misapplied) section of the law known as Subchapter N, Section 861 was the truth that the income tax is NOT a direct tax on incomes but is an indirect tax imposed only on those individuals engaged in certain types of international and possessions commerce. Most Americans are engaged in purely domestic commerce (commerce that occurs entirely within and between the 50 states). Subchapter N proves that domestic income received by residents of the United States (most incomes) is not taxed, due to Constitutional restrictions on Congress' power to tax.

Sep 1, 2008

Galactic Federation Message about Oct 14, 2008

Galactic Federation Message about Oct 14, 2008. Please spread!

Aug 26, 2008

Dark Mission - an interview with Richard Hoagland

Dark Mission - an interview with Richard Hoagland Part 1 of 3 Albuquerque, December 2007 The name of Richard Hoagland - a bearded Viking warrior, still standing after all these years - is inevitably etched in the minds of all those who have contemplated the possibility that all may not be the way we are led to believe on the Moon and Mars. Informed and opinionated, and proud to have been a steady thorn in NASA's side for over twenty years, Richard makes regular appearances as the Science Adviser on Coast to Coast AM - and has written two books, the most recent of which, Dark Mission, has climbed to near the top of the New York Times best seller list. We visited Richard at his Albuquerque home on two occasions. The first, in December 2006, generated the kind of spirited and wide-ranging restaurant conversation that really should have been captured on video. The second time, a year later, we channeled all our conversation on camera - three hours' worth - and then celebrated with the restaurant conversation afterwards. The three of us were delighted with what we had captured. This interview, in three comprehensive parts, first chronicles Richard's personal journey; then detailed photographic analysis evidencing NASA's deception of the public for decades; and finally his personal views and conclusions about 2012. Richard - articulate, outspoken and controversial as always - packs a huge amount of information into the nearly three hours of edited interview. Whatever your personal views about NASA, the Apollo missions, or the possible real history of our solar system and its exploration past and present, you will find material here that will educate, inform and stimulate, and which cannot be ignored.

Aug 23, 2008

How to Keep 100% of Your Earnings

Interviews and speeches with noted attorneys, CPAs, jurists, and experts revealing the illegal enforcement of our income tax laws by the IRS and the unconstitutional nature of the Federal Reserve.

Aug 21, 2008


Narrow minded individuals resist this technology and the power industry and competitors kill to suppress this information. This will endlessly power your home or car.

Money As Debt

Paul Grignon's 47-minute animated presentation of "Money as Debt" tells in very simple and effective graphic terms what money is and how it is being created. It is an entertaining way to get the message out. The Cowichan Citizens Coalition and its "Duncan Initiative" received high praise from those who previewed it. I recommend it as a painless but hard-hitting educational tool and encourage the widest distribution and use by all groups concerned with the present unsustainable monetary system in Canada and the United States.

Bruce Lipton - The New Biology - Where Mind and Matter Meet

By Bruce Lipton Recent advances in cellular science are heralding an important evolutionary turning point. For almost fifty years we have held the illusion that our health and fate were preprogrammed in our genes, a concept referred to as genetic determinacy. Though mass consciousness is currently imbued with the belief that the character of one's life is genetically predetermined, a radically new understanding is unfolding at the leading edge of science. Cellular biologists now recognize that the environment, the external universe and our internal physiology, and more importantly, our perception of the environment, directly controls the activity of our genes. This video will broadly review the molecular mechanisms by which environmental awareness interfaces genetic regulation and guides organismal evolution.
(Part 1)

(Part 2)

How It Feels To Have a Stroke

Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke. As it happened -- as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding -- she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another.

Esoteric Agenda

There is an Esoteric Agenda behind every facet of life that was once believed to be disconnected. There is an Elite faction guiding most every Political, Economic, Social, Corporate, some Non-Governmental or even Anti-Establishment Organizations. This film uses the hard work and research of professionals in every field helping to expose this agenda put the future of this planet back into the hands of the people.

Edgar Mitchell UFO interview on Kerrang Radio 23 july 2008

We are not alone! Edgar Mitchell, one of the men who landed on the moon, talks about his UFO experiences and what he knows for certain.

Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement

For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced technology. For the first time, crusading filmmaker ALEX JONES reveals their secret plan for humanity's extermination: Operation ENDGAME.

Jones chronicles the history of the global elite's bloody rise to power and reveals how they have funded dictators and financed the bloodiest wars—creating order out of chaos to pave the way for the first true world empire.

* Watch as Jones and his team track the elusive Bilderberg Group to Ottawa and Istanbul to document their secret summits, allowing you to witness global kingpins setting the world's agenda and instigating World War III.

* Learn about the formation of the North America transportation control grid, which will end U.S. sovereignty forever.

* Discover how the practitioners of the pseudo-science eugenics have taken control of governments worldwide as a means to carry out depopulation.

* View the progress of the coming collapse of the United States and the formation of the North American Union.

Never before has a documentary assembled all the pieces of the globalists' dark agenda. Endgame's compelling look at past atrocities committed by those attempting to steer the future delivers information that the controlling media has meticulously censored for over 60 years. It fully reveals the elite's program to dominate the earth and carry out the wicked plan in all of human history.

Endgame is not conspiracy theory, it is documented fact in the elite's own words.

Jesse Ventura - Inside the USA

An Interview with Jesse Ventura who went from wrestler to former governor of Minnesota. He is known for his controversial political views on 9/11, Kennedy, and more! MUST SEE!
(Part 1)

(Part 2)

We Did It!

Lightworker Congressman Dennis Kucinich is fired up and for all the right reasons! Please support his brave and passionate leadership however you can, if only by telling one more person to sign his petition. Without him leading the charge, who would dare take on Bush this way? Let's rally while the momentum is building.

An Urgent Message from the Allies of Humanity

Just over twenty years ago, a group of individuals from several different worlds gathered at a discreet location in our solar system near the Earth for the purpose of observing the alien visitation that is occurring in our world. From their hidden vantage point, they were able to determine the identity, organization and intentions of those visiting our world and monitor the visitors' activities. This group of observers call themselves the "Allies of Humanity."

This is their report.
(Part 1 of 13)

Codex Alimentarius

In the words of the National Health Federation[i], the aims and objectives of Codex Alimentarius are as follows: * Only low-potency, “me too” supplements available that will do nothing for your health. * All or most foods genetically-modified. * Beneficial supplements unavailable or sold by prescription only. For many people, this agenda is so outrageous, they cannot believe such goals are achievable; yet this may well be the reality as soon as 31st December 2009, if the Codex Alimentarius Commission continues to disregard input from those who offer a counter perspective to the combined forces of Big Farmer & Big Pharma.

Nutricide - Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins and Herbs

The Codex Alimentarius is a threat to the freedom of people to choose natural healing and alternative medicine and nutrition. Ratified by the World Health Organization, and going into Law in the United States in 2009, the threat to health freedom has never been greater. This is the first part of a series of talks by Dr. Rima Laibow MD, available on DVD from the Natural Solutions Foundation, an non-profit organization dedicated to educating people about how to stop Codex Alimentarius from taking away our right to freely choose nutritional health.

Aug 20, 2008

America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

A documentary that explores the connection between income tax collection and the erosion of civil liberties in America.

David Lynch: Consciousness, Creativity & The Brain

Emerson College Saturday October 1, 2005 by David Lynch, Dr. John Hagelin, Dr. Fred Travis. An excellent presentation about consciousness, the brain, creativity and meditation...

The Energy Non-Crisis

Lindsey Williams talks about his first hand knowledge of Alaskan oil reserves larger than any on earth. He also talks about how the oil companies and U.S. government won't send it through the pipeline for U.S. citizens to use.

Crop Circles: Quest For Truth

Crop Circles: Quest for Truth is a compelling and provocative feature-length documentary full of never-before-seen footage and interviews with leading Crop Circles researchers and scientists, some of whom agreed to be on camera for the first time. The film is an in-depth examination of prevailing theories about the origin and nature of Crop Circles and the possible implications for us and for the future of Planet Earth.

The Girl Who Silenced The World - MUST SEE!!

The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes, She addressed a UN Meeting on issue of environment.

Nassim Haramein: Crossing the Event Horizon

Prepare yourself for an exhilarating odyssey into hyperspace and beyond. Nassim Haramein, who has spent his lifetime researching fields of physics from quantum theory to relativistic equations and cosmology, will lead you along a fascinating discussion geared to a layman's understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe and creation that includes black holes, gravitational forces, dimensions, and the very structure of space itself - all of which are integral parts of his now-complete Unified Field Theory.

Harameins theory is currently in peer review process for publication in physics journals; however, the presentation does not end with the introduction of his theory alone, but includes the discussion of the path that he took to arrive at his views, which weaves between the texts and monuments of ancient civilizations, biology, chemistry and the primordial role of consciousness - all of which lend further credence to the science behind the theory.

Secret Space

Documentary exposing the hidden history of NASA, and the organisation’s links to The Illuminati network of Secret Societies. This film exposes NASA’s secret space programme controlled by senior Occultists. We analyse UFO footage filmed by NASA astronauts whilst aboard the Space Shuttle and ask if NASA has secretly made contact with extraterrestrials.

DNA - Pirates of the Sacred Spiral - Dr Horowitz

Based on the latest science, this monumental program considers both uses and abuses of DNA. Stunning evidence compiled herein probes DNA as nature’s bioacoustic and electromagnetic (that is, spiritual) energy receiver, signal transformer, and quantum sound and light transmitter. In other words, the bioenergetics of genetics precipitates life.

These scientific revelations bring expanded spiritual meaning to life, physical embodiment, and even evolution. Yet leading genetic industrialists prefer to keep these uplifting and freeing truths secret. The infamous, untrustworthy Human Genome Pirates operate covertly, controlling genetic patents, spin-off technologies, and public information dissemination. With the world’s most powerful banking and pharmaceutical cartel behind them, they now control civilization’s destiny.

Features revolutionary new views of emerging genetic research consistent with largely secret science and sacred spiritual knowledge. Includes the latest unpublicized research on electrogenetics, quantum physics, bioholography, and human consciousness.


ZEITGEIST, The Movie - Remastered / Final Edition - Full Production. What does Christianity, 911 and The Federal Reserve all have in common?

Aug 19, 2008

Entheogen - Awakening The Divine Within

Now you can unlock the shaman in you. Think of your brain as a computer... upgrade your consciousness, an then REBOOT the SYSTEM before it crashes. Sounds simple huh? You just put your trust & belief in the wrong things. De-westernize your brain & become the change!

Darryl Anka: Meeting With Bashar

Bashar is a multi-dimensional being who speaks through channel Darryl Anka from what we perceive as the future. Bashar explores a wide-range of subjects with great insight, humor and a profound understanding of how reality creation occurs. Channeling on topics such as reincarnation, karma, ascension, psychic predictions, spiritual healing, higher self, metaphysics, extraterrestrials, UFOs, alien abduction, holistic health, financial success, relationships, and much more. This message was channeled on Jan 1st, 2007...

The Race to Zero Point (Free Energy)

In this award-winning, feature length, two-hour broadcast-quality documentary you will learn about the latest developments in the field of Free and Zero Point Energy from Tesla to Dennis Lee. Hosted by Bill Jenkins, formerly of ABC Radio, this comprehensive documentary features physicists and inventors who are challenging orthodox science to bring this non-polluting technology forward despite ridicule and suppression.

See actual working prototypes that defy classical physics including phenomenal experiments in anti-gravity and the transmutation of metals. Nominated for the UN Sasakawa Environmental Award
This is the ultimate environmental film! It offers real solutions.

With the end of fossil fuels in sight, the race to save the planet is on. From Nicola Tesla to cold fusion, magnetic motors to anti-gravity propulsion this program presents powerful information!

Explore the latest Free Energy breakthroughs, including:
  • Technologies based on working with nature instead of against it.

  • Radical inventions that emit hydrogen and oxygen as by-products.

  • Transmutation processes that neutralize radioactive waste.

  • Electric vehicles with magnetic motors that recharge their own batteries.
Featuring: The Patterson cold fusion power cell ~ Troy Reed's magnetic "Surge" motors ~ Paul Pantone's GEET processor for increasing fuel efficiency in cars ~ Joseph Newman's rotating magnet "over unity" motor ~ Dennis Lee's Low temperature phase-change technologies ~ John Hutchison's amazing anti-gravity experiments ~ Along with internationally recognized scientists and authors: Tom Bearden ~ Hal Fox ~ Shiuji Inomita Moray King ~ Eugene Mallove ~ Jeanne Manning Brian O'Leary & Tom Valone.

The Disclosure Project May 9th 2001 National Press Club Conference

On Wednesday, May 9th 2001, over twenty military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific witnesses came forward at the National Press Club in Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs or extraterrestrial vehicles, extraterrestrial life forms, and resulting advanced energy and propulsion technologies. The weight of this first-hand testimony, along with supporting government documentation and other evidence, will establish without any doubt the reality of these phenomena, according to Dr. Steven M. Greer, director of the Disclosure Project which hosted the event. Scribble this on your bank notes to help spread the word:- HTTP://TINYURL.COM/L97GA - WAKE UP! Go here and print off the 1 or 2-page briefing documents on the greatest secret of modern history: Pin these documents up on the notice boards of your school/college/work place/town hall/etc

Ships of Light - The Carlos Diaz UFO Experience

EBE Award Winner! Best UFO Feature Film - International UFO Congress Film Festival. The most spectacular UFO contact case of the 21st century with 23 original UFO films, most of which have never been published.

In 1981 on a lonely road in the mountains of Mexico, Carlos Diaz had an encounter with UFOs that changed his life forever. 20 years later, the contacts continue. 12,000 eyewitnesses including journalists, scientists and the Mayor of Mexico City have now encountered this phenomenon.

Learn about messages received by Carlos Diaz from his UFO encounters and what we may learn from them. Get all of the facts in what is considered the most comprehensive investigation of a UFO case ever.

Experts who participated in this investigation include: - Pulitzer Prize Winning Author and Harvard Prof. Dr. John Mack - University of Mexico Prof. Victor Quesada - University of Pisa Prof. Corrado Malanga - University of Mannheim Prof. Manfred Kage - University of Louvain Prof. Auguste Meessen - Academy for Future Science Prof. James J. Hurtak - Dr. Robert Nathan, NASA, JPL - Enrique Kolbeck: Senior Air Traffic Controller - Photo Techn. Jim Dilettoso, Village Labs - Journalist Jaime Maussan, Televisa Mexico - Colin Andrews, CPR International - Col. Phillip J. Corso, author of The Day After Roswell.

Part 1 of 2

Click here for Part 2 >>

9/11 Truth Rising

This is the new Alex Jones 9/11 documentary. It focuses on the passionate group of activists who are demanding answers from the government and other powerful and influential people. Please buy a copy from if you have the means. Your support is what keeps all of this going. Either way, SPREAD TRUTH.

The Road to Ascension: David Wilcock

Our interview with David Wilcock is part of our redirecting our focus toward the future of our planet in the years leading up to 2012. As the self-professed reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, he’s a good person to start with. In some ways, we’ve approached David less in the traditional interview mode and more with the stance that all we at Camelot had to do was to place the camera there and the rest would take care of itself. And so it happened. David is extremely well-read, eloquent and dynamic and was able to hit the ground running. He launches into a saga of his own spiritual journey of self discovery, how he came to the realization of one of his past lives as Edgar Cayce, his meetings with members of the Black Ops community and ultimate introduction into the world of the Illuminati, his exposure to the Law of One, Ra material and his scientific investigations. Wrapping his own considerable channeling abilities into a vast and lucid review of the scientific basis for the coming changes around 2012, this interview promises to raise many questions and provoke great deal of thought in the viewer. To his credit, in this lifetime, David has duly recognized the areas where his prior self required growth and has set to work rectifying these things with a frank self appraisal in the spirit of truth. He has not lost his former channeling ability but in this lifetime has complimented that skill with a solid grounding in science to augment his knowledge and gain greater leverage into the social and mental thought framework of today's world. He’s currently working with Richard Hoagland on an investigation into the planetary changes surrounding 2012, and is the co-author of the extremely important and well-researched article to be found on Hoagland's website titled The Interplanetary Day After Tomorrow. This is recommended reading for all. In presenting this material, we at Project Camelot recognize that some of this material is contentious, and encourage everyone to consider David's conclusions in the spirit of open inquiry and as part of an ongoing investigation into the mystery surrounding 2012.

Galactic Federation of Light First Contact Announcement

Galactic Federation of Light First Contact Announcement - On October 14, 2008.

Alex Collier - Exopolitics Earth Transformation 2008

After 6 years of taking a rest. Alex Collier is back now to continue spreading the information given by the Andromedans to him. This is a conference that took place in Hawaii at Exopolitics Earth Transformation in May 2008. I hope you enjoy this video...

Aug 18, 2008

David Wilcock: The 2012 Enigma

2012: Tragedy, transcension or just another year? David Wilcock exposes many great secrets: DNA, consciousness science, wormholes, stargate travel, sacred geometry, three-dimensional time, the Mayan Calendar and much, much more! Part I: CONVERGENCE The Movie, consciousness energy field, Edgar Cayce reincarnation, Da Vinci Code, Inconvenient Truth, galactic alignment, dodecahedron, 2012 / DNA crop circles, sacred geometry as vibration, tetrahedron, 19.5 degrees Part II: Hans Jenny / Cymatics, space and time inverting, wave-particle duality, Buckyballs / fullerenes, DNA as a wave, Kaznacheyev, psychic healing, Dewey Larson, 3D time, space-time fabric, time-space Part III: Fairy circles, natural stargates, ESP, nested spheres, channeling, chakras, Pineal gland, Sumerian tablets, Osiris, kundalini, pine cone symbolism, Tammuz, Shiva, Third Eye, Bindi, Bacchus, Dionysus, Jesus, the Vatican Part IV: Pyramid sarcophagus, cathedral windows, the World Tree, melatonin, DMT, ayahuasca, Dreams, Out of Body Experience, the Silver Cord Part V: Mark of the Beast, microclusters, synchronicity, shamanism, holographic sound, reverse-engineering the pineal gland, Dan Burisch, Project Looking Glass, CONTACT Part VI: The Last Mimzy, the Roswell Crash, the Cube / Yellow Disc, Hellraiser, election tampering, pole shift, time-viewing technology, the Iraq War, DCTP / Doctrine of the Convergent Timeline Paradox, human-lineage ETs Part VII: Tree of Life, Illuminati, Rothschilds, Hitler, New World Order, Lucifer, Luciferian philosophy, Catholic church, Philadelphia Experiment / Rainbow Project Part VIII: Phoenix III, Montauk chair, time travel, Dec. 21, 2012, 20-year cycle, Stargate SG-1, Outer Band Individuated Teletracer / OBIT, The Outer Limits, Time Vector Generator / TVG, Mars pyramids, underground bases, jumproom, Total Recall, Minority Report, X-Men / Cerebro, Rifts in Time Part IX: Forbidden Planet, psychic conduit, LSD trips, zero-time, 2012 dimensional shift, Edgar Cayce readings, Chandler’s Wobble, pole shift, Library of Atlantis / Hall of Records, California earthquakes Part X: Create your own reality, 2012 not cataclysmic, Russian physics, Dr. Sergey Smelyakov / Auric Time Scale, Mayan Calendar, spiral imploding into 2012 changing consciousness, Ascended abilities, spiritual growth.

Aug 17, 2008

Fiat Empire - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution

FIAT EMPIRE features RON PAUL and was inspired by the book, "The Creature From Jekyll Island" by author and FREEDOM FORCE founder, G. EDWARD GRIFFIN. The DVD is a 2-DVD set and includes 120-minutes of uncut interviews of Ron Paul, G. Edward Griffin, Edwin Vieira and Ted Baehr. Mirror site is SUMMARY OF DOCUMENTARY: Find out why some feel the Federal Reserve's practices are a violation of the U.S. Constitution and others feel it's simply "a bunch of organized crooks." Discover why experts agree the Fed is a banking cartel that benefits mainly bankers and their corporate clients as well as a Congress that would rather increase the National Debt to over $9.4 trillion than raise taxes. Find out how the corporate media facilitates the partnership between the Fed and Congress and why it fails to disclose what's going on. Lastly, find out how the Federal Reserve-member banks are owned and controlled by an elite group of insiders. To make a difference, join FREEDOM FORCE at

Aug 16, 2008

Loose Change Final Cut

Loose Change Final Cut is the third installment of the documentary that asks the tough questions about the 9/11 attacks and related events. This movie hopes to be the catalyst for a new independent investigation, in which the family members receive answers to their questions, and the TRUE PERPETRATORS of this horrendous crime are PROSECUTED and PUNISHED!

Aug 15, 2008

Abraham Hicks: The Secret Behind The Secret

In this 2 1/2 hour long interview, Jerry and Ester Hicks talk about their experiences leading up to their communication with Abraham. Abraham is an energy that Ester channels who teaches about "The Law Of Attraction" and how you are the author of your own reality. This is a very powerful series and highly recommended...

Part 1 of 3

Part 2 of 3

Part 3 of 3

David Icke: Big Brother, The Big Picture

Here is David Icke in his recent talk from July 6th 2008, called "Big Brother, the Big Picture". David Icke speaks to the constituents of Haltemprice and Howden about the 'Big Brother' election, forced by the resignation of David Davis, and the move towards the global Big Brother enslavement we are all facing. It's almost 3 hours long and worth every minute. Give him a listen and learn. He talks without any script or notes, just free flow streaming consciousness, with great energy and passion to speak about what we all need to look at in this day and age. For some of you, some of what he says is nothing new, it's the "basics" so to speak (the rabbit hole goes deeper when getting into the hyperdimensional aspect of Control), but I just like seeing him talk. It inspires me and motivates me to speak up for what is right, not just safe, politic or popular.

Aug 11, 2008

Galactic Federation of Light Message

The "Galactic Federation of Light" was founded more than 4.5 million years land to prevent the forces of darkness create galactic wars, conquer, dominate and exploit different stellar systems in our galaxy, the Milky Way. Members oversee the evolution of their stellar planetary systems in order to carry out the Cosmic Plan.