Aug 11, 2008

Galactic Federation of Light Message

The "Galactic Federation of Light" was founded more than 4.5 million years land to prevent the forces of darkness create galactic wars, conquer, dominate and exploit different stellar systems in our galaxy, the Milky Way. Members oversee the evolution of their stellar planetary systems in order to carry out the Cosmic Plan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christ is dead, the idea is a reptilian brain washing tool to dumb people down and to make them apathetic. We have on our hands a real problem. We have a dark galactic force that is threatening not only our planet and solar system but the entirety of this Universe. That is what is happening. We need to really become aware that it's not just about peace and love but really confronting evil and reducing the amount of tyranny and evil that is suffocating this universe. That is what co-creation is... to co-create beauty and real order on the planetary grid. Not suppression and more chaos or death and military suppression but to really understand the laws of equity, freedom and liberty. By being apathetic the believing the Bible or making pointers to Christ is a waste of energy and time. Christ as of about 2 months ago decided to go back to Source as he was asked to do so my the council as he became extremely contaminated and allowed very evil being passage thinking that they would in fact shift. We are not to await some kind of savior, we are to take action and confront evil..